Title: Art for In His Image Fandom: Supernatural Characters/Pairings: Gabriel, Cathy; gen Genres: art Media: Mixed: 2 digital; 1 traditional (Prismacolor marker) Rating: PG Fic Masterpost: here
Title: “Strike” Fandom: Supernatural Characters/Pairings: Gabriel, Michael; gen Genres: Drabble Rating: G Word Count: 227 Challenge: comment_fic/mangacrack, “Gabriel, he teaches his brothers how to bowl in the skies” Summary: Gabriel and Michael bowl in the heavens. Mirrors: AO3
Title: “beneath the stains of time” Fandom: Supernatural Characters/Pairings: Gabriel, Gabriel's vessel; gen Genre: Pre-series; gen; drabble Rating: PG Word Count: 212 Challenge: comment_fic's misheard lyrics challenge/ravenspear, “What have I become, my Swedish friend? (Nine Inch Nails, Hurt)” Summary: Gabriel reflects on his vessel's journey. Mirrors: AO3
Title: "Of light and stardust" Fandom: Supernatural Characters/Pairings: God, Gabriel, Castiel Rating: G Warnings: None Word Count: 349 Challenge: comment_fic/elfinmouse, Gabriel watched Castiel being born in a misty nebula in the Andromeda galaxy. Mirrors: AO3
Title: "Kali Puja" Fandom: Supernatural Characters/Pairings: Gabriel, Kali; Gabriel/Kali Rating: R Warnings: Some violence/sex Word Count: 1,575 Challenge: comment_fic/gabriel4sam, Carnival is the perfect date for Gabriel and Kali Summary: It isn't until the third time he sees her that Gabriel manages to woo Kali. Mirror: AO3